


So where do I begin, this was my 2nd trip to Tadoba with Jungle Calling. Let’s get down to stats, we saw 13 different tigers across 16 sightings and a total of 5 drives. Some would say this is luck, but the most important factor to attain sightings is who are your driver and guides. This is where Jungle Calling is the best in the business, we achieved such sightings because of the drivers and guides they liason with across parks. Not to mention that everything was arranged for us from food on the drives to the extra beverages requested to counter the heat. Truly Manan, Shailee and the rest of the Jungle Calling Team are masters of their craft. It would be foolish to go for any kind of wildlife experience with anyone other than them. At the end of it they ensure you return home with a story for the ages…

Sumere Choksey

A simple guide to ethical wildlife Photography

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